Versione of 17.01.2023
Radenviro invites all interested users to engage in dialogue and welcomes comments and contributions. By submitting a contribution or uploading content, users guarantee that they have the necessary rights.
Radenviro examines every comment before publishing it. Our statements are based on sound scientific knowledge. We reserve the right to delete contributions without consulting the author.
The following are expressly not tolerated :
- Discrimination of any kind (e.g. on grounds of nationality, colour, sexual orientation, religion, age, gender or political opinion)
- Pornographic, sexist, offensive, obscene, threatening or violent content
- Personal attacks on authors or other users
- Generalizations, allegations or assertions that cannot be verified (without a recognized scientific source)
- Misleading statements
- Statements that are not directly related to the topic in question
- Publication of personal data of third parties or of oneself
- Illegal content
- Content that infringes on the rights of third parties (including copyrights and personality rights)
- Commercial content of any kind (spam, advertising)